Special Purpose Stocks
Venturi pipe chanter stocks make blowing 18%
easier. They are designed for bands and pipers who like to play "gut
buster" reeds.
Water trap blowpipe stocks are stocks with a
reservoir that juts into the bag, holding excess moisture. The air flows through
a hole in the top of the reservoir. To empty, pull out the blowpipe and upend
the stock. Pipers need never upend their entire bagpipe again.
The ferrule of a venturi stock, showing threads.
The bore end of a venturi.
Closer look.
Water trap blowpipe stock, made from delrin. The hole at the top of the
extension faces up and a little to the left, as seen by the piper.
The ferrule end of the water trap blowpipe stock.
Another view.
This is a nice shot of the ferrule ends of these two special purpose stocks.
The plain sterling silver ferrule is on the left, and art. ivory on the right.
Notice how clean the ends are: no ragged bits between delrin and silver or art.